
Glossary of terms used in context with Metadata Publishing Tool


“B2DROP is a secure and trusted data exchange service for researchers and scientists to keep their research data synchronized and up-to-date and to exchange with other researchers.”

– EUDAT web site

Together with a WebDAV client on a server it is an alternative for using scp for exchanging resources and sitemaps between servers and local drives.

See also

EUDAT service
Mount B2DROP using the WebDAV client
ownCloud Manual
Capability List

A Capability List is an xml-document of type sitemap that enlists Resource Lists and Change Lists that contain links to a particular set of resources.

See also

Capability List
ResourceSync Framework Specification
Change List

A Change List is an xml-document of type sitemap that enlists resources that have changed since a previous synchronization.

See also

Change List
ResourceSync Framework Specification

A named set of parameters that constitute all variables needed to synchronize a set of resources. The first configuration will be saved under the name ‘DEFAULT’. Configurations can be loaded, saved, listed and deleted under the File menu. The parameters that are set under a configuration are automatically saved.

See also

Configure page

Data Archiving and Networked Services. Netherlands Institute for Permanent Access to Digital Research Resources. DANS is an institute of the Dutch Academy KNAW and funding organisation NWO.

description directory

The description directory is an existing directory on the (local or networked) filesystem. In this directory (a copy of) the document that describes the entire site, also known as .well-known/resourcesync or Source Description is expected or will be created. If no description directory is given, the document is expected or will be created in the metadata directory.

See also

Configure page
Describing the Source
ResourceSync Framework Specification

A system that synchronizes itself with a Source’s resources.

See also

ResourceSync Framework Specification

“Encoded Archival Description (..) is a non-proprietary de facto standard for the encoding of finding aids for use in a networked (online) environment. Finding aids are inventories, indexes, or guides that are created by archival and manuscript repositories to provide information about specific collections. While the finding aids may vary somewhat in style, their common purpose is to provide detailed description of the content and intellectual organization of collections of archival materials. EAD allows the standardization of collection information in finding aids within and across repositories.”

– The Library of Congress, Official Site


European Holocaust Research Infrastructure.

“The mission of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) is to support the Holocaust research community by building a digital infrastructure and facilitating human networks.”

– About EHRI

incremental changelist strategy

Will increment an existing Change List with the newly found changes.

See also

Configure page
metadata directory

The name of the directory where generated sitemaps are stored. The value of metadata directory may consist of multiple path elements. The metadata directory is always relative to the resource directory.

See also

Configure page
Metadata Publishing Tool

Metadata Publishing Tool (MPT) is an application for publishing resources in conformance with the ResourceSync Framework Specification. Metadata Publishing Tool was developed by Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS-KNAW) under auspices of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI).

See also

rspub-core at gitHub
The base library under MPT
rspub-gui at gitHub
The source code of the graphical user interface under MPT
new changelist strategy

Will create a new Change List at each synchronization run.

See also

Configure page
new resourcelist strategy

At each synchronization run a completely new Resource List will be generated.

See also

Configure page
plugin directory

In this directory or its subdirectories a search for plugins will be conducted.

See also

Configure page
Documentation on rspub-core
In web technology, a data resource is anything that can be accessed with a link. It can for instance be a file, (part of) a database or the output of a program.
resource directory

The base directory on the (local or networked) filesystem where resources that should be synchronized are stored. The resource directory should be chosen careful, because it influences the composition of the URL to the resource.

See also

Configure page
Resource List

A Resource List is an xml-document of type sitemap that enlists available resources on a particular site.

See also

Resource List
ResourceSync Framework Specification
ResourceSync Framework Specification

The ResourceSync specification describes a synchronization framework for the web consisting of various capabilities that allow third-party systems to remain synchronized with a server’s evolving resources.

See also

ResourceSync Framework Specification
Open Archives Initiative ResourceSync Framework Specification

Secure Copy Protocol. SCP copies files over a secure, encrypted network connection.

set of resources

“A collection of resources that is made available for synchronization by a Source. A Source may expose one or more such collections and support distinct ResourceSync capabilities for each. Individual resources may be included in more than one set of resources”

– ResourceSync Framework Specification

See also

ResourceSync Framework Specification
sitemap protocol

An XML schema for xml-documents that describe the resources of a site. The ResourceSync Framework Specification makes use of this protocol to express the location of resources and to express changes that affected this set of resources. ResourceSync specifies these sitemaps:

See also

Sitemap protocol
Official site

A server that hosts resources subject to synchronization.

See also

ResourceSync Framework Specification
Source Description

In the context of ResourceSync Framework Specification the document at:

{server root}/.well-known/resourcesync

This document describes the site by listing all Capability Lists that are available from the site. This practice is an extension on the well-known URI scheme, also known as RFC5785.

See also

ResourceSync Well-Known URI
ResourceSync Framework Specification

The strategy defines what kind of sitemap documents will be generated when a synchronization is executed.

See also

Configure page

Keeping a set of resources at a Destination the same as the set of resources at a Source.

As seen from the Destination this includes copying the original set of resources from the Source and then keeping up to date with additions to, changes of and deletions from the set of resources at the Source.

As seen from a Source this involves providing the resources and the metadata that describe the changes to this set of resources.

See also

Source perspective
ResourceSync Framework Specification
Destination perspective
ResourceSync Framework Specification
Execute a synchronization
Execute page
trial run

The execution of a synchronization run that will not write sitemaps to disk.

URL prefix

The URL prefix is the basename of the site, optionally followed by a path segment.

See also

Configure page

“Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations. WebDAV is defined in RFC 4918 by a working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force.”

– Wikipedia

See also

EUDAT service
Mount B2DROP using the WebDAV client
ownCloud Manual
well-known URI

RFC5785. An internet standard that defines a path prefix for “well-known locations”